Why Halloween Is So Fun

When we're younger Halloween is all about the candy, when we get older Halloween becomes all about the sugar.  By sugar I mean scantily dressed women.  Enjoy the weekend, I hope all of you get plenty of treats!

I've got a sweet tooth,
.Stinky Britches.

This Sucks!

Now, it's a little weird to be featuring a vacuum cleaner here on Druther.  They can't all be about kicks and hot broads but the Electrolux Vacs From The Sea are pretty fresh looking and they serve as a tremendously impactful environmental awareness tool. This past Summer Electrolux, a design savvy appliance company set out to raise awareness about the obscene amounts of plastic mucking up the Earth's oceans.  To do this they formed teams from around the world to gather trash from five different oceans.  Once sorted the plastic pieces found in the oceans were wrapped up and sent in to the Electrolux designers to be reused and re-purposed in a new limited edition line of vacuum cleaners.  The Vacs From The Sea are based on the company's already popular Ultra One Green-Model, a vacuum that is produced using 70% recycled plastics.  It's nice to see a larger company taking an active role in environmental awareness and I'm sure the program served as a solid marketing/ PR tool. 

Give a hoot,
.Stinky Britches.

Life, A Book By Keith Richards

Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones has a new book out titled Life, it chronicles his 60+ years of trials and tribulations from childhood to the present.  The book brings surprisingly insightful thoughts on Keith's journey through his adolescence, being a Rolling Stone, parenting, music and of course DRUGS (lots of em!).  It's somewhat ironic that the book is called Life since Keith appears to have been a zombie since the early 1970's.  If he was really a member of the undead I think instead of a hunger for brains he would have an unquenchable hunger for blow... or booger sugar.  His book serves as an inspiration to anyone who wants to live forever through the preserving powers of narcotics and makes a for a great read.

Under my thumb,
.Stinky Britches.

Ds Bar - (Blok M) update

Lintas Melawai disco - main bar, entrance on left

Lintas Melawai disco, view across the dance floor

Lintas Melawai disco, view from the bar corner

Lintas Melawai disco, a reveller surveys the scene

Lintas Melawai disco, sitting round the dance floor

Lintas Melawai disco, warming up at 1am

Lintas Melawai disco, standing by the bar