Vestal Summer Sale

The rockers over at Vestal are opening their doors this Friday and Saturday May 29th and 30th for a fresh summer sale the likes of which you've never seen before. There will be some great deals on Vestal watches, apparel and accessories. I personally suggest you get down to Newport this weekend and pick up some gear. Especially if you're rockin the same ol' sheety time piece you were pushin last summer. Get something fresh and unique, might I suggest the Plexi.

Fathers Day is right around the corner and you know your pops will appreciate a lil sumptin sumptin that he can flash to that hot new secretary. Check out the whole spread at

Wet Pots...?

So this one falls under the random category but I just thought these things would save a lot of time and a lot of innocent house plants lives. For some reason my plants die faster than Paris Hilton's chihuahuas and I think it's because I travel... and drink so I'm not always around or coherent enough to water them. Wet Pots is a great little invention that takes the guess work and full body exertion out of keeping plants alive and well. Just fill the outside glass pot with water and the porous inner clay pot will keep the plant's soil wet and happy. Since the outside pot is transparent you'll always know if your plants need to be watered. Your chubby ass can even do this from the couch or by glancing through that third old fashion glazed doughnut you're about to eat. Get one of these bad boys and your plants will see the light of day. Maybe one day you'll graduate from a house plant to a gerbil, they don't make gerbil pots yet but I know somewhere someone is creating one...



hujan pagi ini jatuh deras membasahi raga
secepat angin pun ku berlari menghindar
namunku pasrah berhenti telah basah
diam kunikmati
diantara keras suaranya menghujam tanah
ada keheningan didalamnya
ada do’a dalam hati
ada waktu yang telah berhenti
sejenak, terlalu singkat

masih berharap

Sebening awan yang kulihat kini,
Secerah birunya langit yang kupandangi,
Tiada putusku terus berharap,
Sampai merah jingga datang ketika petang,
Tiada putus do’a ku ucapkan………..
Sampai berlalu malam pergi dengan heningnya

AMBSN Presents Champagne & Hot Dogs

The kind folks over at AMBSN are putting on one of their splendid champagne and hot dog art shows up in San Luis Obispo this Friday beginning at 7pm at the Smith Building. This show is definitely worth the drive, if not for the sake of seeing fresh art then for the sake of knowing that a teeny tiny $10 donation to help fight a friends battle with cancer also gets you 3 hot dogs and three beers ( I don't personally recommend eating 3 hot dogs in the same day or week... or even year for that matter but hey it's a party eat three hot dogs and poop a Buick). Admission is free but if you donate some $$ the beer will taste that much better!

Some of the ridiculously talented artists that will have pieces at the show include: Russ Pope, Chance Nova, Burl, Eric Soderquist, Shannon Menzel, Dylan Odbert, Jeff Claassen and Jimmy Aproberts.

Check out more freshness at the AMBSN website.

Upper Playground May Madness Tee

The crazy kids over at Upper Playground have dropped their featured tees for May and they're looking pretty fresh! The tees feature artwork from several artists including Alex Pardee, Saber, Munk One, Craola, Saelee Oh, Adnauseum, and Denis Kennedy. Go check out and buy your favorite tee at Upper Playground retail stores or online at the Upper Playground web store.

Let's Start With Some Randomness...

Do you smell that??
Whether you know it or not your sense of smell is fantabulously amazing. You use your sense of smell for more intimately valuable tasks than you may be aware of. Smells will influence many of the decisions you make every day. Smell can also have other affects on you like triggering memories... Yes that's right something you experienced and inhaled years ago can pop back into your brain just by getting a whiff of that smell today. Smell related memories are what I want to talk about today. And yes I know I am writing a blog about smells... RELAX and keep reading!
So right now some of you may be saying to yourself "I have no MFin' clue what this honkey is talking about, smells bringing back memories?" Well I want you to think about your current and/or past relationships. Do you remember the way your lady friend or man friend smelled? The type of perfume or cologne they wore? Now think about the last time you were... well I don't know at a bar or club anywhere it doesn't matter and a person walked past you wearing that same perfume or cologne. What is the first thing it reminded you of? If you're human and don't have a ridiculously deviated septum the first thing you thought of was that significant other. This is just one example of the way your sense of smell plays an important role in memories and your life in general.
Now you're saying "Honkey, can you give me yet another example?"
Yet another example of this wondrous chemical/electrical olfactory reaction we call smell can be respired from our grandparents. Yes those lovely, loose skinned, wide toothed relatives can be used for more than just a $25 check around birthdays. Think about going to your grandparents house, grandma opens the door with a big grin and a right after "the hug" she says "My look how big you're getting!" Then you catch a nostril or two full of the pungent aroma commonly know as old people smell. Not all older folks have this smell but most of you will know what I'm talking about. I think the smell is created by a combination of Geritol, moth balls and Polydent denture adhesive (advancements in dental care have come a long way). So now that you have the old people smell in your head think about other times that you have come across it. Church, the drug store, maybe that time you had to do community service at the old folks home because you were caught stealing booze as a young lad. It probably always reminded you of your grandparents.
Whatever it may be my point is your sense of smell creates a metaphorical chain that links events, people, experiences and places that we all have stored up in our ol' noggins. Tomorrow I want you to focus on all of the smells you come across in your daily routines. Sniff long and good and see what pops up in your thoughts. Or don't... Actually since Halloween is one of the best days out there think about all the great Halloween smells from when you were a kid... mmmmm nostalgic. Feel free to comment back with other smell experiences, I would love to hear them.
This blog is dedicated to the least appreciated of the 5 senses and those individuals who no longer posses that sense for one reason or another.
As always,
Hugs and kisses from yours truly,