Fist Of Fear, Touch Of Death

What do half naked women, paint, a camera and high school mascot heads have in common?? Not much until Morgan Slade works his magic and Frankensteins them piece by piece into beautiful works of mixed media art. Mr. Slade is working on his upcoming show Fist Of Fear, Touch Of Death at the Shooting Gallery. What makes his works so uncommon is the process that is undertaken to birth a finished piece.
Staring with a group of fetching and titillating minimally dressed woman, Slade poses, paints and shoots them. After the photography is completed he then gets down and dirty printing the photos on archival digital proofing prints and goes at them with sand paper, gloss, paint and even the occasional gold leaf. The culminated work is a sexy madness suitable for any wall. Morgan Slade's works will be available for viewing at the Shooting Gallery Jan. 9th-30th.

Have A Sexy Party,

.Stinky Britches.

Don't Burn The Messenger

Shopping season is upon us and there are an infinite amount of new gadgets and gizmos to satisfy even the prudest tastes. It seems in these uber connected, check your cell every 2 minutes day and age messages and suggestive advertising can be found all around us... Well how about even in your breakfast. That's right, some breakfast savant conjured up a toaster that you can literally write messages on and then the contraption transfers that message on to your wheat toast dry with strawberry jam on the side. Just think of the possibilities... you could tell that cheap ass roommate of yours to stop leaving his crispy finger nail clippings all over the bathroom counter. Or remind that special someone that last night in the jacuzzi the thing she did with her elbow felt great or remind her that this morning was even hotter but never to put her finger in there again or she'll lose it. Ok, so we've established that the possibilities are endless only limited by... well by nothing, you could even draw something on your toast. I look forward to the day when a manager can walk into sales person's cubicle and instead of a pink slip they receive a slice of 10 grain with "You're Shit Canned" on it. That way the unlucky peon can enjoy a tasty snack as he or she is escorted out of the building by security. Don't forget your stapler, it's a Swingline!

It appears this message making influenza is not limited to breakfast fare and has spread to plants. This holiday season you can nab yourself a plant as a gift that has a short phrase laser etched into its ungerminated seed. When the plant grows and eventually flowers the message can be read large and in charge on the side of the sepal or base of the flower in general speak. This will, with no doubt in my mind make your mom or lady friend start crying with joyous love especially if you pick up the plant pictured below.
Stay thirsty my friends,
.Stinky Britches.

Twitter Me This!

So obviously I haven't been writing all that much this week but fuck this takes a lot of effort. So I'm going to half ass this one too... Enjoy! There is this great new invention called the Internet! On this "Internet" people have the opportunity to post informative, educational and entertaining material. While most of the Internet is delegated to sites that cost $2.99 a month, make my right arm and wrist tired there are a few that are simply, for lack of better words witty and effervescent. I came across something special, this site or "page" falls under the gargantuous Twitter umbrella and is called "Shit My Dad Says". The title explains it all, a young man 29 years of age who happens to still live at home with his mother and 73 year old father writes down the nutty shit that spews forth from his dads jowls. Small blerps of elderly genius that only appear in the most seasoned and salty of geriatric candidates. These small blessings normally come daily and will with no doubt in my mind make you smile even if just for a brief moment whether simply from the pureness of the comedy or the comparable memory it creates from shit your own dad says.

eg. "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fucked you."


.Stinky Britches.

Casa Surf Project

Oh Laguna Beach you have spawned so many illustrious television shows and tumultuous cat fights over the years. What could you possibly have to offer us now besides marvelous art and a stupendous little beach community? What's that you say? Gloriously designed hotels, sculpted by some of the best in the Surf / Skate/ Fashion Industry... well now that is a pleasant surprise that even Kristin Cavallari and LC would have to agree on. Just the fact that I have referenced the MTV show Laguna Beach in my blog makes me extremely depressed and disheartened in the strength of my own soul. Uhhh... now my thoughts are slightly discombobulated and I feel inebriated to the point of becoming ill.

Back to the legitimate subject of this post, The Casa Surf Project! Riviera Magazine paired up with the La Casa del Camino Hotel and allowed 10 of Southern California's premier surf/skate/ fashion designers to go to town on several rooms in the hotel. The companies that were fortunate enough to participate are; Billabong, Roxy, Glaceau, Etnies, ...Lost, Quiksilver, L*Space, Rip Curl and Riviera Mag. What they created is surprisingly eloquent but at the same time a testament to the maturity and growth that the action sports community has undergone. 10 years ago if you gave ...Lost free reign on a hotel room you better hope that you have great insurance because something or someone would probably catch on fire and your hotel may or may not end up condemned. At very least you would be left with a powerful odor that stings the nostrils. Fast forward 10 year to today and you get a romantic villa inspired hotel room. To check out all of the great rooms hit up Casa Surf Project. The overall best part is that these rooms are available to anyone so maybe one day you can brag to your sewing circle about getting freaky naughty in the Billabong room.

May I politely raid your mini bar?

.Stinky Britches.


Not Your Normal Tree House

A tree falls in your backyard... does it make a sound? Yup and it makes a kick ass tree house! Well at least it did when a tree fell in the backyard of a Brentwood estate owned by an art lover and philanthropist. Rockefeller Partners Architects went to town when a 40 foot pine tree went down for the count. But instead of chopping up this prepubescent pinewood derby car the still living tree was incorporated into a glorious structure that is more art than domicile. At Only 172 sq. ft. you're probably thinking they just jammed a Murphy bed and ran a hose up there so the guest had a place to sleep and some water to rinse off their down belows... Nope, this dainty dwelling has a bed, office, microwave, fridge and even a crapper to keep its guests happy. However, if you enjoy belting out the latest hot single from Miss Spears while showering be ready to share your larynx love with the neighbors because you be havin an outdoor shower yo!

Other than the fact you might get caught scrubbing your dirties by the neighbors this has to be one of the most well designed "tree houses" in so cal.


.Stinky Britches.

Republicans Boycott Climate Change Committee

Yes yes, I do know that this is my second political post in a row and I know that they are boring as women's basketball but I'm having trouble wrapping my melon around today’s political climate. The more I read about the political party divide in our country the less I can comprehend how these childish politicians get elected year after year. On Tuesday there was a Senate Committee hearing discussing a bill dealing with green house gas emissions. The committee is made up of 7 Republicans and 12 Democrats and was set to tackle a very important emissions bill so the committee can send it on its way to the full Senate for a vote. Well guess who decided to boycott the meeting... (Yes I know you read the title of this post so you already know) the Republicans. Actually 1 Republican did show up, who really cares what his name is at this point but he did show up for a few minutes to read the opening statements then he bailed. The Democrats are still waiting for the Republicans to magically appear and discuss this important topic that in one way or another will affect every single American.

So those are the facts, here is my question. How in the feck does not showing up for a meeting that will affect all of your constituents contribute to healthy government and ultimately a healthy America? (I use the term "healthy" in both a literal and figurative sense) The bill does have to do with green house gas emissions and climate change after all so health should fit in there somewhere. We are paying these politicians to run our government, their job is to make America run smoothly and make sure we continue to be the "Greatest nation in the world". How does not showing up for your job help? I understand that the 2 parties don't agree on this emissions bill but that's the derivative of the committee, come to an agreement through negotiation. You know... the old give and take, sharing is caring that we learned in kindergarten. Now, I know every politician answers to a higher power… aka corporations. Through lobbyists whose only job is to make sure the influential politicians vote in their corporations favor by dipping their putrid black mitts so far in their pockets they're practically giving them a reach around. Whewwwww! I feel good knowing that my government is hard at work with our best interests in mind. Today was election day so I hope that if you voted it was a researched informed decision and for a politician that is mature enough to think of more than their party's ideals and maybe care if only a little for the good of America and the citizens they represent.

Where are the lobbyists for the American people??

.Stinky Britches.
P.S. I promise no more politics for a while.

Saber Fires Up Fox News!!

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) recently hosted a health care reform video contest. The DNC chose 20 finalist's videos and one in particular has given Fox News some material and ammo against Obama’s Health Care Reform Video Contest. Well known graffiti artist Saber created the video that has the panties of the Conservative Right wingers wedged so far up their butts they can taste elastic. The video shows Saber painting an American flag then tagging some key health care reform messages over the flag. Fox News chose to see this as the DNC condoning the desecration of the American Flag and is doing their dandiest to create black clouds over the health care reform debate. My opinions may vary from yours and we have the right to disagree but Fox News must be run by some salty old curmudgeons with nothing better to do with their time then come up with new ways to hurt our country by creating a bullshit haze that blocks the real issues. If you choose to watch Fox for something other than the Simpsons and you happen upon the Fox News Channel watch and see how much "actual news" is shown. Not opinions given by their Muppet news casters. You'll be surprised how much content you receive. Oh yeah, and what about when an American Flag's image is used on underwear and you spend all day rubbing your gooch against them? Or what if you shit your pants? Isn't that desecrating the flag too? Come on Fox loosen up! Try putting more effort into real issues instead of creating useless non-news worthy material. Big up to Saber for making the top 20!!

Fair and Balanced my Balls...

.Stinky Britches.

Sunshine On My Shoulders Makes Me Happy

Smart design = Eco Friendly design and there is no lack of the combo of the two in today’s rapidly expanding products. Photovoltaic cells are showing up in a plethora of items; cell phones, roofing tiles, even clothing. I'm not too sure about that fashion statement but shoots you never know (80's pop colors came back and those were the scary years so solar panel shirts could become the new fresh flannel pattern). At least photovoltaic cells are showing up in areas that they can actually be useful like the above pack by Voltaic. A company dedicated to fusing form and functionality they are incorporating solar cells into their packs so the "user" or "wearer" can keep all their nifty gadgets powered up so you'll never miss a phone call due to a dead battery. They even have a laptop back that can help keep you charged up so you're not missing that important email or Facebook update... To make things even more Eco Friendly the intelligent folks at Voltaic are using 100% post consumer PET plastic fabrics to construct these fantabulously shocking carry alls. Check em out at Voltaic Systems

Smell That,
.Stinky Britches.

Economy Shmeshmonomy

Hey you... is the US economy doing better?

Fuck!!! Like you I have no clue either. I've stopped wearing chonies to save money on my laundry.

What I have noticed are twisted little glimpses into the frothing bowels of how economic downturn affects the norm. Now, coming from the west coast and shredding the gnar out in the water almost on a daily basis (thanks unemployment for this great opportunity to improve my surfing) I've found a great way to measure unemployment in CA or any state with a solid population of active ocean users. Over the past few months I've noticed a direct correlation between the unemployment % and the shitty fuckin crowd that has appeared almost magically in the middle of the day when most people should be hard at work diligently updating their Facebook accounts, "Is it Friday yet?" NO! Fuckelstein it's Wednesday be grateful you have the means to be considered a viable additive to the workforce.

Whoa... sorry about that I need to read my Zen book again and calm the fuck down. So anywho, it's not scientific method but there is a strong correlation between the number of heads in the water mid day to the unemployment rate. I'm just making useful observations.

Lets hope for empty line ups.

Kiss kiss,
.Stinky Britches.

Livin Large In Singapore

It seems that Singapore has a little something for everyone.  Beautiful tropical beaches, comfortable climate, friendly locals, a rich history, ...lady boys but who would have thunk Singapore as the place to go for magnificent home architecture.  Take a peek at the 4 story bungalow above, designed by Aamer Architects.  This ginormous bungalow sits only a few blocks from the beach in a hood called Queen Astrid Park.  Now I haven't had the overwhelming joy of ransacking and plundering Singapore for its booze and women (yet) but I can only imagine that Queen Astrid Park is the equivalent to Beverly Hills or "The Hills" to use the parlance of our time.  This behemoth connects its living spaces by walkways that take the person fortunate enough to be inside her on a journey through courtyards and some of the several water features on the property.  I'm sure this place has seen its fair share of brunzed boobies lying out by the pool... Check out LivingPod for more insane homes and design ideas.
I think it's time for a Singapore trip.

Wen wen,
.Stinky Britches.

Graffiti Is The New Black

Graff and street art have been around since before the ancient Egypians constructed the pyramids but over the past decade it seems like it is finally getting noticed as "true" art by the mainstream.  Simply writing your name on a wall or sign has come a long way.  Check the above pic of a huge piece I shot in NY by Banksy.  Pretty redonkulous when you think that he had to hit this 3 story building while avoiding the fuzz... There are several colabs of graff artists out there that are enciting havok on a nightly basis (and sometimes daily basis, if they have the fun factories).  The Seventh Letter brings together some of the best on the street. Revok, Retna, Reyes, Ewok, just to name a few.  It's great to see these guys taking their art to the next level and getting recognition from galleries, museums and brands like Luis Vutton and Marc Jacobs.  Keep up the good work kids.

Huge Wieners!!

Who doesn't like a huge wiener! I love em! Especially when they start with a bacon wrapped hot dog, baked beans, lettuce, jalapenos, nacho cheese, shredded jack cheese, grilled unions all wrapped up in a sweet bun that can barely containing the overflowing goodness it holds within. I had the opportunity to experience two (yes two, I can eat!) of these delectable nitratesicles a few nights ago. My good friend Foco Sequedos is the master chef creating these bovine gut busters and they are glorious. I've got to post a warning though, if you ever are privileged enough to throw one of these wieners in your mouth make sure you have a coldie or two to wash it down. If not... Alka Seltzer and a few Hail Mary's should do the trick.

Overweight besos,

Stinky Britches.

Clap Your Hands For Your Crapper!

So this one definitely falls under the random category... After a brief stint with some sort of stomach flu I became closely acquainted and developed a new found respect for my toilet. I don't know exactly what was wrong with me but about a week ago my belly started rumbling and something didn't feel right. Lets just say things were flowing a little too freely if you catch my drift! Anywho, my mystery dysentery bonded me closely with my porcelain pal and it got me thinking more and more about how paramount the toilet is to our society and maybe how we often take the inconspicuous crapper for granted. Now, I could write 20 pages on the history and importance of the toilet to modern society but that would be a pain in the ass that probably wouldn't hold your interest. So here are a couple questions to think about the next time you pop a squat and get ready to drop a healthy fudge dragon.

Well, first why are toilets usually white? Second, why is the handle usually placed on the left side of the tank? Finally, why are public toilet seats a horseshoe instead of a complete oval like the ones we have at home? I've looked up these questions and some of the answers actually make some sense while a few are simply bull shit.

Check out Toilet Inspector and see a few interesting names that have been given to the crapper over the years.

Don't push too hard you'll blow an O-ring.

.Stinky Britches.

Go Fedora Yourself!

For me hats have always been a key piece in an otherwise pop-less mundane wardrobe. So today I'm featuring one of the hottest/ oldest hat manufacturers in the U.S. Goorin Bros. has been around since 1895 and they have been crafting unique head wear their entire existence. Hot Kicks and a fresh hat can easily turn a "t-shirt and Levis" into Friday night material. So it's important to rock something stylish. Now you're asking yourself "Bro! Is my Yankee hat that I rock all crisp with the stickers still on it cool"? Your answer; Sure but only if you're a rapper! As for the rest of us working a bcap might not cut it. Try a fedora like the Bohemian above. Odds are you'll be the only bro brah at the club with something this nice on their crown.


.Stinky Britches.

Hand Soap... Literally.

Check out these "hand soaps"!!! I just think these things are the greatest tool of good hygiene ever created. Imagine how good showers and baths will become when you have these hands giving you a rub down. The soaps even come in different skin tones so you can experience what it feels like to get a soapy HJ from a different ethnicity on a daily basis. Don't forget the shock value of these little phalanges. Make sure you put these in the guest bathroom before the in laws come for a visit. Nothing says "You're welcome to stay as long as you want" like a bakers dozen of these guys scattered randomly in the bathroom. Tactical digits pointing to the ceiling calling to them, wanting them, inviting them into your home... Check out A+R Store for more info.

Get Soapy,

.Stinky Britches.

Heyday Footwear: Super Shift... Premium

Every wonder to yourself, "Hey what are the funki freshest kicks on the market"? Well you don't have to strain what little braincells you have left trying to find out because here they are. The new Super Shift "Premium" by Heyday Footwear. High grade tumbled leather, Python and a limited quantity make these kicks harder to get inside of than Megan Fox. Slide on in at


.Stinky Britches.

What Are You Afraid Of?

With the daily barrage of so much scary shit in the news everyday it can be hard to define exactly what you are afraid of in this ricockulous world we live in. Terrorism, a flu that came from the other white meat, our glorious economy or maybe you're afraid of something as simple as chickens. Yes you heard right fuckin pluckin chickens! There is no shortage of things to be afraid of, here are a few of the more interesting phobias that you may have and not even know it.
  • Angrophobia- A fear of being angry.
  • Ablutophobia- A fear of bathing (I always sit next to someone with this on planes).
  • Pogonophobia- A fear of Beards (Sorry hipsters, time to bust out the razor).
  • Omphalophobia- A fear of belly buttons (Don't look down...).
  • Melanophobia- A fear of black (White people I'm looking in your direction on this one).
  • Defecaloesiophobia- A fear of bowel movements (Well maybe after enchilada night).
  • Alektorophobia- A fear of Chickens (RIP Col. Sanders).
  • Coulrophobia- A fear of clowns (Ever since that damn movie IT).
  • Dentophobia- A fear of the dentist (Who doesn't have this).
  • Xerophobia- A fear of dryness (Where's the lotion).
  • Medorthophobia- A fear of boners (Every girl friend in high school).
  • Kolpophobia- A fear of female genitals (Genitalia!!).
  • Barophobia- A fear of gravity (Good luck if you have this).
  • Acrophobia- A fear of heights (See Omphalophobia).
It's okay to have fear, actually it's human nature to recognize and deal with fear (fight or flight). However, it does come down to how you manage and process your fears. If you deal with fear in a healthy way your daily life is unaffected and you can go on living life like 99% of the population. If you fall into that 1% of people who simply let their lives become overrun by their fears well I'm sorry for you... get help. And if you have Panophobia- A fear of everything best of luck to ya slick! To find out what your fears are called checkout
Hugs and Kisses,
Stinky Britches.

Baked Goods!!!

I'm dedicating this one to deliciousness. Deliciousness in the form of warm straight out of the oven baked goods. Everyone has their favorite, I happen to enjoy just about every tasty baked good I've thrown down the hatch. Fresh chocolate chip cookies or brownies still gooey in the middle, whew! Throw some peanut butter chips in there too and I might have to take a cold shower. Take a moment to envision your favorite baked good(s). Homemade, store-bought or restaurant made the possibilities are endless only limited by your ingredients and your imagination. Checkout and give your taste buds a good once over with your favorite baked item.

FUCK calories!

.Stinky Britches.


A friend of mine just introduced me to a hilarious site. Look At This Fucking Hipster has been around for a while but it was new to me. It's a pretty ridiculous site where you can view and even post pictures of your neighborhood hipster(s). Remember to never feed these hipsters, once they're domesticated we'll never be able to get rid of them! Check out all the hipster you can handle at

Hugs and Kisses,

Stinky Britches

Terry Diamond Mural @ Coyote Grill

On Thursday the 18th Terry Diamond unveiled his new mural at the Coyote Grill in Laguna Beach and needless to say it turned out super fresh and fitting. I suggest heading over to the Yote and perv on the mural. You'll like what you see and even find some solid grub.

Art and Sole Numero Dos

The Light Gallery in Costa Mesa is putting on their second Art and Sole showing. In case you haven't heard about the show I'll enlighten you a bit. Take a freaking ton of hot artists including Brandon Boyd (Incubus man) and let them loose to create some gloriously fresh artwork. It's not the usual art on framed canvas or wood... No! it's all on kicks making each piece of work that much more fantastic. Check out the above flier for details about the show happening this Saturday or check out the info on the web at

Kisses & Hugs.

Vestal Summer Sale

The rockers over at Vestal are opening their doors this Friday and Saturday May 29th and 30th for a fresh summer sale the likes of which you've never seen before. There will be some great deals on Vestal watches, apparel and accessories. I personally suggest you get down to Newport this weekend and pick up some gear. Especially if you're rockin the same ol' sheety time piece you were pushin last summer. Get something fresh and unique, might I suggest the Plexi.

Fathers Day is right around the corner and you know your pops will appreciate a lil sumptin sumptin that he can flash to that hot new secretary. Check out the whole spread at

Wet Pots...?

So this one falls under the random category but I just thought these things would save a lot of time and a lot of innocent house plants lives. For some reason my plants die faster than Paris Hilton's chihuahuas and I think it's because I travel... and drink so I'm not always around or coherent enough to water them. Wet Pots is a great little invention that takes the guess work and full body exertion out of keeping plants alive and well. Just fill the outside glass pot with water and the porous inner clay pot will keep the plant's soil wet and happy. Since the outside pot is transparent you'll always know if your plants need to be watered. Your chubby ass can even do this from the couch or by glancing through that third old fashion glazed doughnut you're about to eat. Get one of these bad boys and your plants will see the light of day. Maybe one day you'll graduate from a house plant to a gerbil, they don't make gerbil pots yet but I know somewhere someone is creating one...



hujan pagi ini jatuh deras membasahi raga
secepat angin pun ku berlari menghindar
namunku pasrah berhenti telah basah
diam kunikmati
diantara keras suaranya menghujam tanah
ada keheningan didalamnya
ada do’a dalam hati
ada waktu yang telah berhenti
sejenak, terlalu singkat

masih berharap

Sebening awan yang kulihat kini,
Secerah birunya langit yang kupandangi,
Tiada putusku terus berharap,
Sampai merah jingga datang ketika petang,
Tiada putus do’a ku ucapkan………..
Sampai berlalu malam pergi dengan heningnya

AMBSN Presents Champagne & Hot Dogs

The kind folks over at AMBSN are putting on one of their splendid champagne and hot dog art shows up in San Luis Obispo this Friday beginning at 7pm at the Smith Building. This show is definitely worth the drive, if not for the sake of seeing fresh art then for the sake of knowing that a teeny tiny $10 donation to help fight a friends battle with cancer also gets you 3 hot dogs and three beers ( I don't personally recommend eating 3 hot dogs in the same day or week... or even year for that matter but hey it's a party eat three hot dogs and poop a Buick). Admission is free but if you donate some $$ the beer will taste that much better!

Some of the ridiculously talented artists that will have pieces at the show include: Russ Pope, Chance Nova, Burl, Eric Soderquist, Shannon Menzel, Dylan Odbert, Jeff Claassen and Jimmy Aproberts.

Check out more freshness at the AMBSN website.

Upper Playground May Madness Tee

The crazy kids over at Upper Playground have dropped their featured tees for May and they're looking pretty fresh! The tees feature artwork from several artists including Alex Pardee, Saber, Munk One, Craola, Saelee Oh, Adnauseum, and Denis Kennedy. Go check out and buy your favorite tee at Upper Playground retail stores or online at the Upper Playground web store.

Let's Start With Some Randomness...

Do you smell that??
Whether you know it or not your sense of smell is fantabulously amazing. You use your sense of smell for more intimately valuable tasks than you may be aware of. Smells will influence many of the decisions you make every day. Smell can also have other affects on you like triggering memories... Yes that's right something you experienced and inhaled years ago can pop back into your brain just by getting a whiff of that smell today. Smell related memories are what I want to talk about today. And yes I know I am writing a blog about smells... RELAX and keep reading!
So right now some of you may be saying to yourself "I have no MFin' clue what this honkey is talking about, smells bringing back memories?" Well I want you to think about your current and/or past relationships. Do you remember the way your lady friend or man friend smelled? The type of perfume or cologne they wore? Now think about the last time you were... well I don't know at a bar or club anywhere it doesn't matter and a person walked past you wearing that same perfume or cologne. What is the first thing it reminded you of? If you're human and don't have a ridiculously deviated septum the first thing you thought of was that significant other. This is just one example of the way your sense of smell plays an important role in memories and your life in general.
Now you're saying "Honkey, can you give me yet another example?"
Yet another example of this wondrous chemical/electrical olfactory reaction we call smell can be respired from our grandparents. Yes those lovely, loose skinned, wide toothed relatives can be used for more than just a $25 check around birthdays. Think about going to your grandparents house, grandma opens the door with a big grin and a right after "the hug" she says "My look how big you're getting!" Then you catch a nostril or two full of the pungent aroma commonly know as old people smell. Not all older folks have this smell but most of you will know what I'm talking about. I think the smell is created by a combination of Geritol, moth balls and Polydent denture adhesive (advancements in dental care have come a long way). So now that you have the old people smell in your head think about other times that you have come across it. Church, the drug store, maybe that time you had to do community service at the old folks home because you were caught stealing booze as a young lad. It probably always reminded you of your grandparents.
Whatever it may be my point is your sense of smell creates a metaphorical chain that links events, people, experiences and places that we all have stored up in our ol' noggins. Tomorrow I want you to focus on all of the smells you come across in your daily routines. Sniff long and good and see what pops up in your thoughts. Or don't... Actually since Halloween is one of the best days out there think about all the great Halloween smells from when you were a kid... mmmmm nostalgic. Feel free to comment back with other smell experiences, I would love to hear them.
This blog is dedicated to the least appreciated of the 5 senses and those individuals who no longer posses that sense for one reason or another.
As always,
Hugs and kisses from yours truly,

Istighfar dan keutamaannya

Ibnul Atsir berkata : pada asmaul husna terdapat al ghaffar dan al ghafur, keduanya merupakan kata hiperbola, yang berarti penutup dosa-dosa hamba-Nya dan aibnya. Arti dasar al ghafr adalah menutup. Maghfirah adalah Allah memakaikan ampunan pada orang-orang yang berdosa.

Dzun Nun Al mishri berkata : istighfar mempunyai beberapa arti :

Yang pertama : Menyesali yang telah lalu

Kedua : berusaha untuk meninggalkan.

Ketiga : Mengerjakan kewajiban Allah yang ditinggalkan

Keempat : Mengembalikan harta dan kehormatan kepada yang berhak dan meminta maaf darinya.

Kelima : menghilangkan daging dan darah yang tumbuh dari barang haram

Keenam : Merasakan pedihnya ketaatan sebagaimana dia merasakan nikmatnya melakukan kemaksiatan

Istighfar dapat dilakukan ketika :

1. Selesai melaksanakan ibadah sebagai pernyataan kelemahan hamba dalam beribadah hingga dia mendapat ampunan-Nya.

Kemudian bertolaklah kamu dari tempat bertolaknya orang-orang banyak (Arafah) dan mohonlah ampun kepada Allah; sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.(Al Baqarah 199)

Selesai shalat malam : Mereka sedikit sekali tidur di waktu malam; Dan di akhir-akhir malam mereka memohon ampun (kepada Allah).(Ad Dzariyat 17-18)

Dan Allah memuji orang-orang yang beristighfar diwaktu sahur : (yaitu) orang-orang yang sabar, yang benar, yang tetap taat, yang menafkahkan hartanya (di jalan Allah), dan yang memohon ampun di waktu sahur.(Ali Imron 17)

2. Ketika menganiaya diri dengan perbuatan dosa :

Dan (juga) orang-orang yang apabila mengerjakan perbuatan keji atau menganiaya diri sendiri, mereka ingat akan Allah, lalu memohon ampun terhadap dosa-dosa mereka dan siapa lagi yang dapat mengampuni dosa selain daripada Allah? Dan mereka tidak meneruskan perbuatan kejinya itu, sedang mereka mengetahui.(Ali Imron 135)

3. Istighfar setelah menguburkan jenazah, Nabi Muhammad Saw saat selesai menguburkan jenazah dia berdiri dan berkata : mintalah ampunan bagi saudaramu dan mohonkan untuknya ketetapan, karena dia sekarang sedang ditanya. HR Abu Daud

4. Istighfar dapat menghapus dosa dan kesalahan :

Rasulullah Saw bersabda : barang siapa berkata : astaghfirullahal ladzi laa ilaha illal huwal hayyul qoyyum wa atuubu ilaih tiga kali, maka dosanya diampuni, walaupun dia lari dari Medan perang. HR Hakim, ini adalah hadits hasan berdasarkan Muslim.

Ibnu Uyainah berkata : murka Allah adalah penyakit yang tidak ada obatnya

Perdapat ini dikomentari oleh Imam Ad Dzahabi : obatnya adalah banyak istighfar diwaktu sahur dan taubat yang jujur.

Imam An Nawawi berkata : yang dimaksud adalah tertutupnya hati. Al Qodhi berkata : yang dimaksud adalah kealpaan untuk dzikir bila dia melakukannya secara langgeng, bila dia terlupa dia menganggapnya sebagai dosa dan dia beristighfar.

Al Qurthubi berkata : para guru kami berkata : istighfar yang diminta adalah yang menghilangkan keterus menerusan dan perbuatan doas, dan artinya diterapkan oleh anggota badan dengan sekedar ucapan lisan, dan barang siapa berkata : astaghfirullah, dan hatinya selalu bermaksiat, maka istighfarnya masih membutuhkan istighfar, dan dosa-dosa kecilnya terus menumpuk hingga membesar. Diriwayatkan dari Al Hasan Al Bashri dia berkata : istighfar kita membutuhkan pada istighfar.

maka aku katakan kepada mereka: "Mohonlah ampun kepada Tuhanmu, sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Pengampun,

niscaya Dia akan mengirimkan hujan kepadamu dengan lebat,

dan membanyakkan harta dan anak-anakmu, dan mengadakan untukmu kebun-kebun dan mengadakan (pula di dalamnya) untukmu sungai-sungai .(Nuh 10-13)

Keutamaan istighfar :

1. Akan diberikan pada orang yang beristighfar kenikmatan yang baik. Dan kenikmatan yang baik ini merupakan kata-kata umum yang mencakup kebaikan didunia dan akhirat.

dan hendaklah kamu meminta ampun kepada Tuhanmu dan bertobat kepada-Nya. (Jika kamu, mengerjakan yang demikian), niscaya Dia akan memberi kenikmatan yang baik (terus menerus) kepadamu (Hud 3)

Pada ayat diatas ada hubungan antara kebahagian seseorang didunia dengan banyaknya istighfar, sebagaimana juga terdapat pada ayat-ayat lain.

2. Fadilah kedua dari istighfar, adalah dia akan mendapatkan balasan atas perbuatan baiknya, berupa mendapatkan sesuatu yang dicintainya dan dapat menolak sesuatu yang dibencinya.

Dalam shahih Bukhari bahwa Rasulullah Saw bersabda pada Saad : dan sesungguhnya engkau tidak akan menafkahkan nafkah mengharapkan ridha Allah kecuali engkau mendapatkan balasannya, hingga sesuatu yang diletakkan dimulut isterimu (shahih bukhari –kitabul iman – bab tentang perbuatan tergantung niatnya)

Dia akan memberi kepada tiap-tiap orang yang mempunyai keutamaan (balasan) keutamaannya (Hud 3)

3. Hujan

Dan (dia berkata): "Hai kaumku, mohonlah ampun kepada Tuhanmu lalu bertobatlah kepada-Nya, niscaya Dia menurunkan hujan yang sangat deras atasmu, dan Dia akan menambahkan kekuatan kepada kekuatanmu, dan janganlah kamu berpaling dengan berbuat dosa." (Hud 52)

maka aku katakan kepada mereka: "Mohonlah ampun kepada Tuhanmu, sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Pengampun,

niscaya Dia akan mengirimkan hujan kepadamu dengan lebat,(Nuh 10-11)

4. Dari Ibnu Abbas RA berkata : Rasulullah Saw bersabda : barang siapa melanggengkan istighfar maka Allah menjadikan baginya pada setiap kesempitan jalan keluar, pada setiap kegundahan kesenangan, dan memberinya rizki dari jalan yang tidak diduga (Sunan Abu Daud, kitabus shalah, bab istighfar)

Ibnu Katsir berkata : barang siapa mempunyai sifat ini, maka Allah akan mempermudah rizkinya, mempermudah urusannya, menjaga status dan makanan pokoknya, Allah berfirman : Nuh 11) Tafsir Ibnu Katsir 4/453)

Semoga kita termasuk hamba Allah yang rajin beristighfar. Amin